Hey all, we have not had any access to a computer for a while so no time to update. We should be online in at the most 14 days. Then I can update pics and more. The weather has been good, only one day of rain. We have had above normal temps, people say we brought it with us?? We have got most of our bags and boxes unpacked but are still liviing out of our suit cases as we have no closets. Very frustrating. We have to buy waredrobes which are not usually included in the houses when you buy them. We got our dog, he is soooo cute. A little to full of spit and vineagar as Gary puts it. Lots of energy. Gary preached for the first time today and will preach every second Sunday untill Sept. Our grass was three feet high when we got here so the first thing we did was buy a weed wacker and a lawn mower, then we painted one room, doing this before we moved in. Then we had to figure out how to use the hot water, very different than Canada. We have felt very welcome. We do miss you all. Will update more later as I am on someone elses laptop and don't want to go too long, bye for now.
MOVING TO A NEW COUNTRY IS HARD!The first part of our trip was easy. We flew to Calgary without any hitches. Garys mom and dad brought some of our luggage with them so we had less to take on the plane. Then we were on our own. I have a great pic of us and our luggage just before we handed it over to the airlines trusting it would arrive on time and in one piece. Ha! (pics have to wait until we get set up in our own home) . People were staring at us, I guess because we had the most luggage of anyone in the airport. We just had two bags a piece, very large bags, not over weight I might add, and a carry on each. Well we said goodbye to our bags and went on with our journey. The first flight out of Calgary was delayed 2 hours so we sat in Calgary for 5 hours. Then we flew to Toronto only to run as fast as we could, Kirbey in a wheel chair pushed by a slow lady, only to find out we were to late for our connection to London(we thought we had connecting flights and they would save it for us), but the twins started to tear up and I was close when someone radioed to the ticket agent and asked if we were coming off an Air Canada flight and when he said yes they let us on!!!!! So then we had to run as fast as we could to get to the gate. I no longer want to be on The Amazing Race! We were suppose to have a relaxing 3 hours in Toronto to have dinner, not. Well it is now midnight our new time and they are feeding us dinner. Then we watched a movie. Needless to say we got all messed up. Gary was the only one who got any sleep. Then 5 hours later they fed us breakfast, we landed and were welcome to London. We got there on time, however, they gave me a hard time at the customs gate because I said I was moving to Ireland and I don't have a Euro passport so before I could give the lady a letter that we got from the Irish Immigration she took off to phone them and did not come back and our flight was starting to board. I finnaly hunted her down and gave her the letter just in time and she let me on. Yay! So 21 hours later, with no sleep, we were welcomed to Ireland by a crew of about 20 people with a welcome Swabeys banner and all. If these people still want us after the wreck they saw walk through the gate, me I mean, then they are very gracious. I will give you the luggage story later when I have pics. We will be moving into our house on Tuesday with our funiture that is here now. We hope to also have a new car by then. Our mortage just finally went through yesterday after 3 months. They say that is fairly close to normal, they are slow here. So now that we have active banking we can get a car loan and a car,we think. We will find out today. Small car I might add, it does however seat 7, kind of. The weather has been lovely, mid 20s. We hope to get our dog Mungo on Wed. or Thur. Well I will give you all more later, keep praying, we could tell you were!
Well here we are. Our last night in Canada. We went to visit my family and we had the most incredible rain,thunder, lightnening and hail storm we have ever been in. We have had fun this week in Calgary, we went to Calaway Park and rode on rides, saw family, went to a movie, shopped and ate lots of food. I still can't believe we are moving, it is like a dream!!!!!!!! Saying bye to family has been hard, my dad was in tears today which in turn made me cry. I will see him soon though when I come to see my baby, my gradbaby that is. I hope to put pics on the blog soon as I don't feel truley blogged unless there are pics. I have some good ones too. Well please pray for us tommorrow because Gary and I have had the flu and so has Tianna and Garys dad and if the kids get it on the plane rides I don't know how we will handle it as it comes from both ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you all in Ireland soon and see you in Canada again one day.
Well is official, we no longer live in Summerland!!!! We have a week of saying good-bye and I still can't believe it is true. It is like a dream. We are staying at Garys mom and dads house until Wed. when we will go to Calgary and visit family there. The weather has been extremely hot. We had 42 celsius on Wed. and at least 35 the rest of the week. We had the advantage of staying on the beach in a little cabin (pics to follow later) but it was still hot. Well tomorrow we will go to church at our old church in Kelowna and then three more good-bye dinners and lunches and off to Calgary for more good-byes and finally on the 10th off to Ireland. I will update with pics when we get our own computer again.